7 Easy Ways to Communicate Your Value

How do you stand out from the competition?

You’ve heard it over and over again. It’s not always about the price. What, can you offer your clients that differentiates you from the competition? Pricing is always important but it’s not the only factor that goes into a buying decision. YOU and your company are part of the offering. How you communicate why your product is better will drive success.

Identity all facets of your offering

Take note of why your clients purchase your product or service. You can do this with a piece of paper, the old fashioned way, or you can create an excel spreadsheet with categories and columns. For example, the first column would have the company name, second column would list the product or service offering.

Note your Differences

In each section, list how your offers differs from your competitors. After you’ve  exhausted one column, move to the next until you have a comprehensive list. You’ll be surprised at what you uncover when you take the time to spell it out.

Critically Evaluate Your List

Once your differences are listed, pick out the points that are most important to your customers. What will make your client’s lives easier and have the most impact on their success?

Create Benefit Statements

Translate the most significant differences into benefit statements that show your value. Maybe your company has 24/7 customer service. In that case, your value statement would convey something like, “We offer 24/7 customer service and can respond to you in real time.”


Create a list that features your most compelling differences as bullet points. Next to each point list a few comments that reinforce your benefit statements. Have this sheet with you at all times and be prepared to share its contents.  Update and and revise as needed.

Always Ask Questions

Don’t make it all about yourself, otherwise known as WIFM (what’s in it for me). Be engaged and ask open ended questions so you can understand your client’s needs, goals and challenges. Show how you’re positioned to help them solve their problems and achieve their goals.

Ultimately, if they’re successful you will be too.